Thursday, June 23, 2011

Gold Armor and Touchups.

I painted on the gold, it's kind of watery paint so I shook it up after I painted these:
Here's a close up so you can see how watery it really is:

 So the next day I redid the gold paint, and I also added brown for the wood.
The gold looks much better now:
I added silver and recoated the robes.
I also got a better camera, but it's not working very well on the computer I'm on right now:(  I'll try it on another one next time and see if it works.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Sorry for the long wait, I've been pretty busy with summer jobs, family things, etc.  But I've finished the Easterling's robes!  Most are Red Gore, but 2 are Sunlight Yellow because they're my favorites.

 I made some cool terrain for my Easterlings, a hill and some ancient ruins.  I found out the basic instructions on You-tube but added my own touches and designs.  These terrain pieces took forever, but they were fun :) I found them out from Miniwargaming's Youtube account.
'How to make a rocky stepped hill'
 'How to make battle ruins'
Next time I'll have those Easterlings golden and ready to kick some goblin butt!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Easterling Painting, Shoes, Face and Hilts

I have learned something from a lot of other miniature blogs: I can't paint!  I am ashamed to admit it, but I have no idea what 'wash' means, and I tried to paint eyes on Legolas and he looked like he had wet clown makup on.
Anyway I decided to paint the Easterlings one color at a time, but made these two first as demos.  Here's the first (I'll explain how I made him along with the other guys.)

 Here's the demo Warg rider.

 I painted black first.  I painted the eye and mouth holes sloppely, the boots, and the sword hilts for the swordmen.
As you can see I have my red paint out all ready for their robes!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Warg Riders and Easterlings!

For my birthday I got a giftcard to my local hobbyshop, and I spent it on minis and paints!  I got twenty Easterlings, four with spears/sheilds, eight with swords/shields, eight with bows.  I've never told you this, but my dream army is made of Easterlings.
  The warg riders had two with bows, two with swords, and 2 with spears.
 Well, it wasn't easy, but these are the Easterlings without their heads. Easterlings are really weird because they don't have those holes that you just pop it in.  You have to glue it on!  Maybe I got a defective box or something.  Luckily there wasn't a lot of gluing, except the spearmen arms.
 The Wargs were fairly easier,  at least the ones with their mouths closed.
 As you see, this guy is only being held up by a long thin plastic piece of grass.
 I had to glue the Easterlings heads on, so I just did this one to show you.
 Here's to measure.
 Finally, I put all the heads on.  The bowmen have cool bows on there backs (which again I had to glue) =).  They are in a pretty cool lineup.
 The wargs are ready to wreck some havoc =).
 That's all, folks!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Battle Report Continued

I finished the fist board with my siblings!  Okay, its Turn 9, P(priority) G(goblins).  Aragorn helps Sam against Bandit, Gandalf abandons Legolas to face Mythryl, Boromir almost charges a No Name, but he can't quite make it.
 In the heat of battle Bandit takes out Sam's remaining Fate point, while Aragorn takes out Bandit's Fate point and all his Might.  Legolas wants to join his friends again so he defeated Bandit through the eye hole of his helmet.
 Turn 10, P G.  Slinger abandons his ballista to attack Aragorn with a No Name, Gandalf casts Immoblised on Bandit in mid charge on Gimli.  Boromir completes his charge on No Name.  Frodo makes a beeline towards the exit.
 Boromir quickly gets rid of the No Name, while Aragorn can't seem to get Slinger and NN.
 Turn 11, P F.  Boromir helps Aragorn with NN, Gimli and Bandit are at it again, and Sam makes it to Balin's Tomb.  He's safe!  Frodo manuvers his little hairy hobbit feet around the battle to end up next to the ballista.
 Gimli swiftly sweeps his double bladed axe at Bandit and the goblin dies.  No one else is that lucky.
 I didn't take a picture of the move phase this time, it was to cool!  Gandalf moves towards Slinger and casts Immobilised.  Gimli goes for No Name with Boromir.  Frodo is a hair away from safety with Sam.
Even without the horn of Gondor NN becomes scared and his hands get all sweaty, causing him to drop his sword.  Gimli used his 2A and +1 to Wound (his giant two headed axe) and killed him.  That takes care of him!  Aragorn used his extra Might and another one (leaving him with 2M) to kill Slinger.

 The casualties of the Fellowship, Merry and Pippin.
 The evil casualties, not including 2 No Names.
Conclusion:  I really over did it with the Captains.  I had no idea that they were so strong!  It took a long time and Merry and Pippin died!  But it was a very heated battle and it was really fun.  Bob the Mailman says, "Keep tuning in to see the other two boards!"
To Be Continued...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

First Battle Report!

This is my first battle report!  Only for the first board however; it took longer than expected.  I think I put too many captians on the field.  Oh well this is the Fellowship outside the mines.
 Here's the first move, priority: The Fellowship.  Gandalf has taken the lead, with Taint and the twin bowmen approaching fast.  Slinger tries to use the ballista but it fails.
 Gandalf attacks the twins.  But they overpower him and he gets an arrow in his arm.  Tehn the ballista gets him in the foot.  Ouch!  Meanwhile the Fellowship keep coming.
 The Fellowship's progress:
 Aragorn smacks Taint with Anduril, Flame of the West.  Gandalf is not having a good day, both goblins get him!  He shrugs one off with a Fate point but the other is two hard!  Just as he is about to die a shield of energy erupts from Narya the Ring of Fire. Gandalf has one Wound left.
 In an angry fury Taint stabbes at Aragorn with his spear.  Aragorn decides to save his Fate and 4 Might points.
 Gandalf rushes at the poor mailgoblin Bob, and stabs at him with Glamdring.  Meanwhile, Gimli was going to turn Strome into goblin sushi but Strome used his Fate point to avoid it.  Mythrl decides to shoot poor little Merry and succeeds.  Merry used his Fate point to save himself.
Aragorn stabs Taint again and Taint survives with his Fate point!
On the move phase, Aragorn tries to look cool as he jumps a riuned wall to attack the ballista, but he makes an epic fail and falls.  Luckily he avoided a Wound.
 As you can see the hobbits and Legolas have moved to the far side of the board with Taint on there heels.  The goblins finally got a goblin out of their tent and No Name (NN) ran toward teh fallen Aragorn, hoping to recieve a goblin badge.  Merry is cornered in the back by Mythryl.  Boromir and Gimli take on Bob and Strome.  I have no idea what happened to Gandalf my little brother took him or something, lets just say he broke his back and is taking a rest.
 Legolas busts out Taints last Fate point with one Wound remaining.  Boromir uses his horn to win the fight but the goblins laugh it off.  Strome has one Wound left thanks to Boromir and Bob gets his chain'mail' (get it, he's a mailman :) in a bustle and Gimli clunks him out.
 Aragorn, with a bit of digniy left, stands up and faces No Name.  Sam and Pippin jump up to the wall to escape, and Gandalf goes to assist Merry.
Gimli kills Bob!  Mythryl has no Fate thanks to Boromir (who's horn failed him again).  Aragorn is shamed that he couldn't even kill a measly goblin, it beat him in the fight!

The big skirmish: Taint charges Sam and Pippin, Legolas follows.  Aragorn fights no name, Pippin is killed by Strome :(
 This is what happened in the fight.
 No Name beat everyone!  He killed poor Pippin, Aragorn has one Wound left, and Taint dies.
 Move phase of Turn 8:
 Aragorn kills NN with Might, Gandalf has 1 Fate point left, Boromir killed Strome, Sam has 1 Fat point left.
I get you the rest of the battle later, gotta go.  Bye!