Monday, May 30, 2011


I didn't really want to go out and spend a couple twenties to buy some goblin captains, so I just made my own out of regulars. I know I can't use them with any fights except with my siblings, but my birthdays coming up so I can fake em' for a little while, right?  The captains look exactly like the regular ones even!  So I colored them all Mithril Silver to keep them different from the others, and I madecool names for them, so here they are:
This is Bob the messanger/mailman.  Remember him?

This is Mythryl the archerer.

This is Stome, Mythryl's brother.

To tell them apart one has gold arrows(come on, squint!)

This is Bandit, the archerer with no helmet.
 This is Slinger, launcher of the balista.
 Here's Taint, the reckless speargoblin.
 And last but not least, the goblin who adores the cave troll, is Polish, but the other captains tease him and call him 'Troll's Pet'.
You can tell them apart because the one on the left (Taint) looks a bit more weathered and brown (I have no idea how he got to look like that but I'm happy :)) Polish looks like he 'polished' his armor.

That's all the Captains, see you soon!


Okay, I copyed something another blog did :(.  But it was so good that I couldn't not do it.  And since I have a blog how could I not tell you about it?  Okay, I copyed some really cool stalagmites/something like that.  I copyed it from and that guy is amazing!
I am giving credit to where credit is due.
He is pretty much my hero, but I did not copy his army, I got mine before I heard about him.  So anyway, someone commented recently asking how to make those cool rocks jutting out of the ground.  He replied  saying that you take some wood, you paint it, and glue it on the top of an ice cream bin cut into a circle. (read more about it on his blog, and if you do you'll never want to read mine again.) So I said what the heck I'll try it.  As tempting as it sounded I couldn't go off to get ice cream so I used the cover of one of those three subject notebooks with the manilla flap inside.  I used a black one so I didn't have to paint it.  He also said to paint it something like fortress grey or shadow grey adn highlight it skull white, but my ground was black so it wouldn't look to good on mine.  So I painted it Chaos Black and highlighted the edges shadow grey.  Here are some pics of my okay (but worse than sim's) jutting rocks.
Here I also glued a stick to the ground.  Well you can't really see the highlighs, I take a real good picture when I have time.  Sim if you're reading I hope it's okay that I'm copying you.  Maybe it will inspire one of my little group of readers.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Goblin Tent

Well, the goblins got envious of the Fellowship, and you know how goblins are, so I had to make one for them too.
This is a picture of the gobln captain Bob the goblin mailman :).  I drew a picture of the Balrog's head on the side of it.  I probably could have done better on paper than on felt, but I'm pretty happy with the results.
Here's the Two Tents(wow, that's actually a clear picture!):

Here's the first board:
And the second:

And the last:

I might add a bit more difficult terrain in this board and the first.  But that's for another day.  Bye!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I decided to make little tents for the Fellowship and the goblins.  First you cut out some toothpicks and hot gluegun them as so:
Then you glue some fabric on it, and stick it in the board:
Here's a picture of a lot of goblins in the Balin's tomb area:
I also glued down all the difficult terrain :) :

Now I'm just waiting for the Balrog, and playing around a bit with the pieces :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Terrain Update

I glued all of those ruined walls onto the board!  Take a look!
For those of you who noticed, I cut out the two sides on Kazad Dum, so now I have my bridge!  I also cut out two cunks on either side of the place of Balin's tomb so now there's a passageway.
Here's a birdseye veiw:
I then used the peices of foam from the sides of the Balin's Tomb area to make a little rough terrain area of rocks at the end of Kazad Dum.
I'll get back to you once the bridge is covered with rocks :).  See you!

Terrain 2

Well, I decided to start on the walls in Balin's Tomb.  I used yellow cardboard and stacked them, as so:
I stacked them from longest to shortest like this so it gives the appearence of ruined broken walls.
Here is the entire layout I have planned (sorry for the fuzzyness):
I painted them all Licorice:

And I painted the Balrog/Kazad Dum area :)

I hope to glue down the ruined walls after I get some work done.  Bye for now!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Here are (mostly) all of the models you need to play after you created the terrain.
Here come the Hobbits:
Then the two best friends:
The two crushers:
And of course the Wizard:

The moria goblins are creeping up on you!:

Last but certainly not least The Cave Troll :0:
Sadley I do not have possesion of the Balrog or the Watcher yet.  I'm not even 100% sure a Watcher is real.  I will get the Balrog sometime in June maybe and then I can show you how to paint it :).

Terrain 1

I decided to divide the board into three foam boards, for easier transport.  The first board I painted the inside Chaos Black,and the trail that leads to the mines was Kommando Khaki, with little rock pebbles glued on for effect.  The grass was Cataona Green.  I haven't painted the water yet :(.

The second peice of terrain I painted all black with acrylic paint called Licorice.

I haven't started the third piece yet but I'm going to paint it Licorice and then use an Exacto knife to cut out two large holes on either side of the end to make the bridge of Kazad Dum.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mines of Moria

I am going to create a Mines of Moria scenario, it includes The Watcher, Balin's Tomb, and The Balrog.  I will add pictures tonight.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Hello I'm Ryguy, I've been wanting to play LOTR strategy game for some time and now I'm gonna blog about it!  I have The Fellowship, goblins, and a cave troll.  Perfect for the Mines of Moria!